“You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow” (Deuteronomy 28:12).

To remain without borrowing is a blessing. Greater blessing is to stay at a higher level to lend to others. God gives these blessings together to you.

Some years ago, a heart-melting advertisement appeared in the daily newspaper. A good person aged 42 years had published that advertisement. In it, he had mentioned that he was planning to sell one eye, one kidney and one arm and anyone in need of any of those organs could contact him. 

Generally, people use to come forward to sell or donate their organs only when they are about to die. But this man came forward to do this even while he was hale and healthy.

His debt problems had troubled him greatly day and night and it was because of this he had decided to offer the organs so that he could repay the loans. His eagerness and sincerity in settling the loans made me happy but at the same time the thought that if he had submitted his body to God as a sacrifice of life, God would have opened a new gate for him, came into me.

Many people avail loans but thereafter they stay without the thought of making repayments. While seeking loan they humble themselves, bend and plead. But thereafter they do not show any care to repay the same. Some people go still further, avail several loans and boastfully declare that it is their talent.

Whatever be the situation, it is indeed sorrowful to stay as a borrower. When one resolves firmly not to go for loans and pray to God with a vow, God will protect from borrowing and also surely help you repay the pending loans.

Place your hands on the promises given in the Bible verses vide Deuteronomy 15:6 and 28:12 and pray earnestly. God will definitely change all the debt issues. The Lord God will make you thousand times more numerous than you are (Deuteronomy 1:11). When you are blessed that way, pity the poor and come forward to help them (Proverbs 19:17).

Paul the Apostle introduces a new type of debt. It is the debt of proclaiming the Gospel. God gave His life for your sake and has given the Gospel to you and so, you remain as a debtor with the burden of proclaiming the Good News to others. Dear children of God, do not be a debtor of money but be a debtor of showing love towards others. That is the debt of blessing.

To meditate: “Owe no one anything except to love one another” (Romans 13:8).

Daily BreadJoshua Jebadurai