“ Like a bird that wanders from its nest is a man who wanders from his place” (Proverbs 27:8).

Solomon the wise looks at a bird which is wandering from its nest. While being in the nest it had all the consolation, comforts and rest. But, when out of the nest, the rain and wind troubled it and thus it had to lament. Later, Solomon the wise looks at a man who wanders from his place. He falls from his place and his pathetic condition makes him lament.

A person was a high-level officer in Railways and he had all comforts like big home and comfortable living etc. But he had a son who was in his youth stage and he used to run away from his home often. After a few months, he would be seen again sleeping in the platforms and toiling as a porter to make both ends meet. Later the parents would take him back to their home.

In the same way, God places a man in a high position. He blesses him with the joy of Salvation, fellowship of the saints and the greatness of having a relationship with Him. He commands the angels to serve him and takes care of his comforts. He exalts the man preparing eternal dwellings for Him. But the man gets away from God who anointed his him as a king and priest gets into the path of sin and in the end he becomes the son of satan, facing the wrath of God and proceeds towards the hade and the sea of fire.

In the beginning, God had kept Lucifer, son of the morning star at an exalted level. He was considered as the chief Cherub. But he did not sustain in the high position God had placed him and further, he thought himself to be equal to God saying, “I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north” (Isaiah 14:13). Thus, he lost his position and became restless. Today, he is roaming as satan, the ruler of darkness.

God has placed you at a high level. Stay firm on the level He has placed you. Be cautious not to be infected by the sinful attractions and worldly lusts. You have been the children of God, the Most High. You have received the Spirit of adoption by whom you cry out, “Abba, Father”.

Further, God has anointed you as the king and the priest. He has kept great blessings for you in eternity. Preserve them. Dear children, never get away from the love and grace of God and do not be like a bird that wanders from its nest.

To meditate: “The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; yes, I have a good inheritance” (Psalm 16:6).