“…let the power of my Lord be great” (Numbers 14:17).

Our God is powerful. His power is in heaven, the earth and also in the whole of nature. The powerful God willed to give His power to His children.  The Scripture says, “For the eyes of the Lord run to and from throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him” (II Chronicles 16:9).

Dear children of God, God expects you to be with power and strength. He wants you to reveal His power. You can gain the world for God only if your words and deeds are strong.

But how sad it is as many people are not aware of God’s power. They do not realise the power of the Holy Spirit. Also, they do not realise the power of the Scripture. It is because of this, they are trembling in weakness.

Today, many churches are not run by the power of God but by the administrative skill of man. As Schools and Hospitals are being run by pastors, they become mentally tired and weak due to administrative problems that pop up and they struggle by losing their power. There is neither heat nor cold in the churches as the problems like caste issue and corruption have become rampant in them. 

Look at the early church. The time they spent towards administration is very small. But the time they took to bend their knees and reveal the power of the Holy Spirit is too big. But what you do is to increase your administrative responsibilities and thereby become weak. It is because of this the nation is immersed in darkness. 

You increase the power of God in your life. Realise the power of prayer. It is prayer which helps you to overcome the weaknesses. It turns the defeats into successes. It turns the valley of tears into a fountain. When you pray, God will fill you with power. God says, “Call to me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know” (Jeremiah 33:3).

Jonathan Edwards who shook England made an unforgettable sermon. The title of the sermon was “The sinners in the hands of irritated God.” Thousands of people repented through that sermon. Do you know the background behind that sermon? It is nothing but he fasted three days and nights and prayed with tears. Dear children of God, if you also pray in that way, you will also be made powerful.

To meditate: “Now these are your servants and your people, whom you have redeemed by your great power and by your strong hand” (Nehemiah 1:10).