“Nevertheless, the solid foundation of God stands….The Lord knows those who are His” (II Timothy 2:19).

The Lord knows those who are His. Whether they are big or small, His eyes are focussed on them. Dear children of God, do not forget that you are under His control. There may be crores and crores of stars in the sky but God calls each one of them by name. Makes each one of them move in the right direction. Though crores of people are in the world, He knows each one of them. He listens to Everyone’s prayer.

While in the wilderness, God told Moses: ‘for you have found grace in my sight and I know you by name’ (Exodus 33:17). How consoling this word would have been to Moses! He can call you by name and He knows you to that extent. He knows each of all your worries, mental distress, longings of the heart and the sighs.  

Most of the times, even the husband is not aware of the sorrows of the wife and the parents are not aware of that of their children. But what a great blessing it is for God to know you. He says, ‘Moses, I know you by name’. 

What did He know about Moses? He knew the sacrifices and dedications which Moses had done for God in his youth days. He knew as a grown up, how Moses disliked being called as ‘son of Pharaoh’s daughter’ and how he dedicated himself to suffer along with the other children of God. How could such a person like Moses be forgotten by God? The love of God over Moses overflew immeasurably. When Moses was tending the flocks on Horeb Mountain in the wilderness as an unknown person, God called to him from the midst of the bush with love “Moses, Moses” (Exodus 3:4).

Even today, you are also known to God. He comforts you saying, “My son, my daughter, do not fear. I have redeemed you. I have called you by name. You are mine.” Yes. He knows you by name. He knows every effort you put to move ahead in your Spiritual life, your dedication and your resolutions.

Even you may not be knowing about your own self. You might have been wasting the days without realising the talents and skills within you. But God who knows you, calls you by name to make use of your talents and skills. Dear children of God, He knows you.  Since you have humbled yourself under His mighty hand, He will exalt you at the appropriate time. Are you not the sheep of His flock? Your shepherd knows you.  

To meditate: “My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me” (John 10:27).