“He makes my feet like the feet of deer and sets me on my high places” (Psalm 18:33).

The feet of the deer are so strong that it can run very fast. They also help the deer to leap and climb mountains. They jump and climb high mountains where others could not reach and stand there boldly.

The verse ‘God will make my feet like that of the deer’ appears in the Scripture at three instances (II Samuel 22:34, Psalm 18:33, Habakkuk 3:19). In all these three verses, you can find the feet of the deer helping one to stand on high places. Feet like that of the deer are required for you to stand firm in the rock which is Christ. 

For some people, the legs are not like that of the deer but like that of elephants which is actually a disease called Elephantiasis. This disease is caused by parasitic worms and are widely spread by the mosquitoes from one person to another. These parasitic worms are too small and they could not be seen with naked eyes and they spread through the mosquito bites.

In the beginning, people are not aware that they have been infected with these parasitic germs. Only after three to five years, the afflicted persons find the symptoms like swelling of limbs and develop fever. At the end, it becomes incurable, the legs begin to look like those of the elephants and pus oozes out from them.

See. What a great trouble the tiny mosquito brings! Indeed, it is a tiny creature which could be easily crushed. But when you ignore the mosquito bite, it becomes never-ending suffering.

Similarly, when you are lethargic towards certain sins, thinking what great trouble these small sins could cause, these sins slowly grow bigger and stronger even without your knowledge and the souls get infected. In the end, in accordance with the words “The soul who sins shall die”, the soul dies.   

Do your legs which should be like that of the deer, begin to resemble like that of the elephants? This is the right time for you to evaluate yourself. Jesus Christ alone is the doctor who could heal the elephantiasis which is the sins. His blood alone will remove all the sinful germs from you and cleanse you.    

The wife of Potiphar was ready to provide the elephantiasis to Joseph. But he was very alert and according to the words “Flee sexual immorality”, he made his feet like that of the deer and ran away being prepared to lose even his garment in the process. Dear children of God, examine yourself in the presence of God every day. Never allow the sin which is the mosquito to sit on you.     

To meditate: “Have you not kept my feet from falling, that I may walk before God in the light of the living?” (Psalm 56:13).