“Can a man take fire to his bosom and his clothes not be burned? Can one walk on hot coals and his feet not be seared” (Proverbs 6:27, 28).
You should be very cautious that your life should be holy. Having illicit relationships, dirty conversations and correspondences are similar to keeping the fire in one’s bosom.
Samson was a mighty man and a judge too but he was foolishly binding fire in his bosom. He was lying on the bosom of Delilah. The Scripture says, “Then she lulled him to sleep on her knees and called for a man and had him shave off the seven locks of his head. Then she began to torment him and his strength left him. .....he awoke from his sleep and said, “I will go out as before, at other times and shake myself free!” But he did not know that the Lord had departed from him” (Judges 16:19, 20).
Here, we read about a man who played with the sin. His fall was very swift. The Scripture asks, “Can a man take fire to his bosom and his clothes not be burned?”
He did not realise his sin and said, “I will go out as before and shake myself free!” He was reliant on his victories of the past but in the present, fell into the sin. Alas! The Philistines arrived and caught hold of him. He did not achieve success as was his routine but his eyes were plucked out.
One has to be cautious and should not get carried away with the victories of the past. Yesterday’s success can encourage you but that can never guarantee victories of the future. If one thinks that he could shake himself free as usual, he would be caught. The holy life you lead today alone could be the basis for the successes of the morrow.
If a frog is thrown into hot water, it will jump out immediately and run away. But if it is let into cool water and if the water is gradually heated, the frog will feel the warmth to be very comfortable and will not like to come out. In the end, it will die being unable to bear the heat.
Very similar to this foolish frog, Samson was playing with the sin, tying the fire in his bosom. He did not realise he had opponents and enemies and the Philistines were profoundly keen to topple him. You too have enemies just as Samson had the Philistines. Some people are so eager to find fault with you. Satan is also there to push you into the sin. Be awake so that the pleasures of the world do not pull you towards sorrow.
To meditate: “Teach me your way, O Lord and lead me in a smooth path, because of my enemies” (Psalm 27:11).