“Seek the Lord and His strength; seek His face evermore” (Psalm 105:4).

You need the presence of God to be with you every day. That is the most precious, wonderful and glorious one in the world. You should never lose the presence of God under any circumstance.

A devotee said, “I am even prepared to lose crores of rupees but not the presence of God. Losing thousands of friends will not be a big worry for me but I will never allow the presence of my loving Saviour to go away from me. Even if I have to lose my health, I will never quit from the presence of my loving God”.

Hosea the prophet says, “…we may live in His sight” (Hosea 6:2). Those who feel His presence will survive both on the earth and eternity. Let the presence of God be one which can never be separated from you.

Power and might are there in His presence. Whenever you feel the presence of God, power and strength will be in abundance in you. That day, Moses expected that power. He prayed to God seeking His presence to move ahead of him. Only if he possesses such power, he could prevail over the seven nations and the thirty-one kings in the land of Canaan.

The children of Israel departed from Egypt with the presence of God. It is because of this, the Red Sea split and gave them the way to cross. The power of God’s presence immersed Pharaoh and his army into the sea. God showed the children of Israel the pillar of cloud to enable them to understand what the presence of God is and how powerful it is. During the nights, He showed them the pillar of fire and whenever the children of Israel saw it, they realised that the presence of God was there all around them.

The wild animals and the poisonous creatures in the wilderness were unable to harm the children of Israel as the presence of God was with them. They ran helter-skelter fearing His presence. The reason is that there are power and strength in the presence of God.

As God’s presence was going ahead of them, the river Jordan rolled back when the children of Israel reached the river giving them way. The walls of Jericho shattered and fell. They inherited victory, wherever they went.

Dear children of God, yearn over the presence of God at all times. Keep saying, “God, let your presence come along with me” whenever you go out. He will come with you.              

To meditate: “Surely the righteous shall give thanks to your name; The upright shall dwell in your presence” (Psalm 140:13).