“But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son” (Galatians 4:4).
The birth of Christ divides the time into two. God had fixed a time for Jesus Christ to come to the earth. The forefathers were longing for His day. The prophets prophesied His birth. But the fulfilment of the appropriate time was necessary for Jesus Christ to take birth on the earth.
You may think this way. “Why did Jesus Christ took His birth two thousand years ago? If He had born today, when rapid scientific development is happening, the Gospel could have been proclaimed to the whole world. Instead of travelling on a donkey, He could have used an aeroplane. Instead of preaching in the wilderness, He could have simultaneously preached to the whole world through television. He could have graciously performed thousands of miracles and signs. He could have published all His sermons in the dailies.”
Some more people think that if Jesus has come following the era of Adam and Eve, it would have been a great blessing to many. It would not have been necessary for so many sheep to be sacrificed as offering. Their thinking is that Tabernacle and the Law would not have been necessary. He did not come during the days of Noah or Abraham or Isaac or Jacob. But God had pre-fixed a time for Him to come. One day the clock of God rang and announced His birth. At that time the sky gave way and the angels sang His birth. The shepherds rejoiced. The wise men knew that time through the stars and came in search of Jesus Christ.
Similarly, when Jesus was on earth, He did each thing perfectly in its appropriate time. His eyes were always looking at the heavenly clock. When there was a shortage of wine in Cana, people were running here and there without knowing how to make good of the shortage. But God patiently kept looking at the heavenly clock and when the time came, He turned water into wine. Jesus knew the purpose of His coming to earth. Sacrificing His life at the most appropriate time for our sake was His aim and will.
He was nailed on the Cross at the right time for your sake. Even while hanging on the Cross, He knew the time of your Salvation. Even when blood was pouring out of Him, His eyes penetrated the time and saw you. On that day itself, He saw you sitting and reading which you are doing today. That day itself, He also saw your problems and your paths of struggle today. Yes. Do not forget that has chosen you for a big cause.
To meditate: “The time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the gospel” (Mark 1:15).