“Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” (I Corinthians 3:16).

You are the temple of God. The Spirit of God dwells in you. The glory of God is poured into you by the Holy Spirit. The vision that you are the temple of God should be in your eyes.

That day, when David was moving about in his palace built with Cedar trees, he had the desire to build a glorious church for God who had elevated him. He shared this with Nathan the prophet. But God did not accept it.

This is because, David was involved in many battles and had shed much blood and God did not want him to build the temple. Dear children of God, are you remaining as a man of battle or a woman of battle? The Holy Spirit cannot come and dwell in a temple built by those who are quarrelsome, get angry and furious. If you want the Spirit of God to remain in you, you should remain devoid of anger and zeal. 

God looked at David and said, “Instead of you, your son will build the temple; because the nation will be peaceful in his days. He will be the man of rest.” Since God dwells in the temple which is your body let there be peace at all ends. He is God of peace. He is the Prince of peace. He expects peace in your heart.  

That day, David would have felt sad as he was not allowed to build the temple. But he did not get discouraged. He wholeheartedly gave all valuables gold, silver, cedar trees which he had saved for God’s temple. Those things of David decorated the temple. 

Maybe, God would not have called you for fulltime ministry. You might not have been found as a pastor running a church or an evangelist preaching in the revival meetings. Do not get depressed. You can very well do a part-time ministry. Is it not? You can render a witness for God. Is it not? You can give liberally to the ministries. 

When Solomon completed the building of the temple, God filled it with His glory. The trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the Lord and at that time, the house of the Lord was filled with a cloud (II Chronicles 5:13). Dear children of God, let the temple which is your heart be ever filled with the divine glory.

To meditate: “so that the priests could not continue ministering because of the cloud; for the glory of the Lord filled the house of God” (II Chronicles 5:14).