“But if I cast out demons with the finger of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you” (Luke 11:20).
Many among the disciples had the wish to have a look at the Kingdom of God. Some had the desire to gain importance there. Some more disciples wanted one by the left and one by the right side of God there. But Jesus Christ said, “the kingdom of God has come within you.”
It is essential that before you enter into the Eternal Heavenly Kingdom, that Kingdom has to be established within you. How to bring the Kingdom of God into you? Yes. When you call Him wholeheartedly, He will come and dwell in you. Through this, the Heavenly Kingdom gets initiated in you and established.
The lives which enjoy Heaven are the happy ones but today, the lives of most of the Christians are not so. Instead, darkness and sorrows are the ones which surround them. The reason is that the devil is ruling them.
The Scripture says that the world is lying within the wicked one. Since satan is ruling their lives, all hatred, bitterness. Zeal and evil thoughts which are his characteristics come into the man and dwells in. Thus, the man struggles without peace.
Many people say, “Thy Kingdom come” while they pray the Lord’s prayer But they do not submit themselves for Christ to come into their lives. They do not dedicate themselves to do the will of God. They call as “Lord” but instead of allowing themselves to be ruled by the Lord, they act by their own will.
If the Kingdom of God is to come into you, firstly the rule of the darkness of this age should be removed from you. The light of the Lord’s Gospel should make your heart shine. You should truly repent for your sins and plead saying “God, you have shed blood on the Cross of Calvary. Wash and cleanse me with your blood and make me holy.” When you do this, the blood of Jesus Christ will cleanse you from all sins.
Dear children of God, when you call Him saying, “Lord, come into my heart”, He will surely come into you. When Jesus Christ comes into your life, the first thing He will do is to cast out the devil with His fingers and establish the Kingdom of God within you.
To meditate: “Then the Lord delivered to me two tablets of stone written with the finger of God and on them were all the words which the Lord had spoken to you on the mountain from the midst of the fire in the day of the assembly” (Deuteronomy 9:10).