“I sought the Lord and He heard me and delivered me from all my fears” (Psalm 34:4).

The bible which Abraham Lincoln read and loved most is still exhibited in a museum. Whenever it is taken on hand automatically the page in which Psalm 34 is printed, gets opened. Abraham Lincoln must have read this Psalm often. In particular, he should have read the 4th verse cited above repeatedly. The space, where this verse has been printed, looks dirty and worn out.

The friends of Abraham Lincoln say that this is his favourite psalm. Whenever internal conflicts rose and battles erupted in America, Abraham Lincoln used to turn this page and read the 4th verse “I sought the Lord, and He heard me and delivered me from all my fears” repeatedly.

Yes. Whenever fear made an impact in Abraham Lincoln, he ran into the refuge of God through this verse. That remained as his testimony. If your eyes keep on looking at Jesus, you will accept Him as your refuge, strength and helping companion in trouble. If you accept Him that way, you will not fear at the time of struggles and run to him for shelter.

One day a child was caught in a room on fire. In that darkness of the night, all sides of the room were surrounded by the smoke coming out of the fire. At that time, the father of the child came out first to save. While others were trying to extinguish the fire, the father saw the child through the keyhole and loudly told the child not to fear. Then with all his strength, he dashed into the room and saved the child from the fire. The child was so happy to hear the father’s voice and also at his swift action with love to save it and with all love, it hugged its father tightly and sank into his bosom. 

In the same way, during dreadful situations, God not only speaks to you but also reveals His power and saves you. He comforts you saying “Do not fear.” The entire Scripture is filled with such consoling words. If you want to get redeemed from all such fears, you have to lean upon Him placing all your faith and love on Him. The Scripture says, “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear” (I John 4:18).

Other translations define “Perfect Love” as “Grown matured love.” As you continue to move with Christ, you will grow in His love and become ripe. You will place all your burdens on Him. Then the fear will move away from you.  

To meditate: “casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you” (I Peter 5:7).