“…know that it is near-at the doors!” (Mathew 24:33).

Christ is nearer to you. He is close to your prayers. He closely watches all your requests and complaints. Being closer to you, He not only comforts and consoles you but also protects you from all evils. 

We read about Bartimaeus who was blind by birth in the 10th chapter of the Gospel written by Mark. Sitting by the road and begging was his profession (Mark 10:46). He had come to know about Jesus Christ, the miracles performed by Him and His power of healing the sick. He had no light or vision in his eyes to see Jesus Christ. Further, there was no one to take him nearer to Jesus Christ. He must have just heard about the miracles performed by Jesus Christ in Judea, Capernaum and Israel. 

But, one day, Jesus came to Samaria where he was put up. Besides, He was walking very close to him. When he knew that Jesus was nearer to him, he did not wish to put that opportunity to waste. He began to call “Son of David, have mercy on me”. The people around rebuked him and told him to be quiet. But he did not pay heed to them but shouted all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me”.

Jesus stopped walking and asked the people to bring him. Firstly, Jesus crossed over closer to Bartimaeus and then He made Bartimaeus come still closer to Him. Both came nearer to each other. With all love, Jesus asked him “What do you want me to do for you?” Bartimaeus answered, “Rabbi, I want to see.”

Do you know whom he would have seen first, on obtaining vision? He might have seen Jesus Christ who had descended from heaven for his sake, with all happiness. He would have been astonished to find God who had created him, standing closer to him and would have stared at Him constantly. On seeing the beautiful golden face, he would have forgotten himself and would have been kept on staring at Jesus Christ without even blinking.

Dear children of God, you might have also known the miracles of God only as something written in the Scripture. You might have spent your time just listening to the miracles experienced by others. But today He has come walking very close to you. Never leave Him. On that day, the blind man shouted saying “Son of David, have mercy on me” and if you also call upon God in the same way, He will also definitely do a miracle in your life. 

To meditate: “And heal the sick there and say to them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you” (Luke 10:9).