“I came to send fire on the earth and how I wish it were already kindled!” (Luke 12:49).
The purpose behind Jesus Christ coming to the world and the immeasurable thirst and desire He had on earth, have been revealed in this verse. God says: “I came to send fire”.
Most of the sermons you listen to, define the following factors. ‘Jesus Christ came to the world to save the sinners; He came in search of what had been lost; He came to render witness over the truth; He came to destroy the deeds of satan; He came to provide eternal life’ and so on. But Jesus Christ gives another great purpose of His Coming in the verse cited above. He says, “I came to send fire”.
The Lord says, “I came to send fire” for the purpose that ‘my people should live like fire, they should be as fire so that the sins do not get nearer to them and the temptations do not overcome them, the fire which burns the power of the enemy to ashes should be with my people and that people should be baptised with the Holy Spirit and fire.’
Dear children of God, the entire life of Elijah had remained as one filled with fire. The fire of zeal for the Lord was always burning in him and this helped him to oppose the prophet Baal single-handedly. He made the fire descend from heaven by roaring “The Lord who answers with fire is God.” That day, the hearts all the Israelites were turned towards God.
The Scripture describes John the Baptist as “John was a lamp that burned and gave light.” Many nations came running to his light. John the Baptist had been filled with a selfless fire of love. He lived like fire and prepared the ways before the Coming of Christ and in the same way, you may prepare His ways today as the Coming of Christ is fast approaching.
The Lord who said, “I came to send fire” assembled all His disciples in the Upper Room in Jerusalem. They continued to pray until they were clothed with power from on high (Luke 24:49). When the Day of Pentecost arrived, they were further filled with the Holy Spirit. The tongues of fire came to rest on each of the disciples. A great revival burned with flames there.
One who came to send fire on the earth wants to pour the holy fire on you. God says, “For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem’s sake I will not remain quiet, till her vindication shines out like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch” (Isaiah 62:1). Dear children of God, will you plead to Him so that the fire sent by Him uses you like a torch to blaze or firewood?
To meditate: “My heart was hot within me; while I was musing, the fire burned.
Then I spoke with my tongue” (Psalm 39:3).