“…put my tears into your bottle; are they not in your book?” (Psalm 56:8).

God has an account over every man. Man has to submit accounts over many things to God. He has to account for every unwanted word he speaks and also about his body. He has to give an account over all the talents, skills and gifts which God had given him. Not only that. Man has to also settle accounts to God over every second he spends.

We find David saying, “Lord, you are demanding accounts over many things from me. But what I want from you is to keep my tears in your accounts and answer my tearful requests. Let my tears be in your accounts.” Just think deeply over the prayer of David. He points out “Record my misery; list my tears on your scroll; are they not in your record?”

God is not one to forget all your tiresome efforts taken towards His ministry. He is not one to forget the offertory you give for His ministry. Also, He is not one to forget the prayers you made in His presence shedding tears with burden, for gaining souls. They are in His accounts. David prays saying “put my tears in your account.”

A very important factor which you lift up in the presence of God is tears. The prayers with tears bring the blessings of the worldly life and also the blessings of eternity. Those who shed tears for the blessings of the present receive the same. Those who sigh and shed tears seeking eternal things will receive eternal benefits.

Hannah shed tears. Being unable to bear the ill-treatment meted out by her rival, we do not know for how many days she shed tears in loneliness. But those drops of tears kept collected in the bottle of God. One day came and she decided to go to the presence of God and fill His bottle with her tears. Her womb being closed, she was filled with sorrow.                                                         She went to the temple and wept bitterly in the presence of God. God saw her tears and her womb was blessed with the life of the noble Prophet. She became the mother of not only the blessed Samuel but also became a mother for five more children.   

Dear children of God, are you walking in the path of tears? Every drop of tears you shed, the sound of every sigh you make, every lamentation you make and every effort you take, find a place in His accounts. He will surely bless and exalt you.       

To meditate: “The Lord has been mindful of us; He will bless us; He will bless the house of Israel; He will bless the house of Aaron” (Psalm 115:12).

Daily BreadJoshua Jebadurai